Mobile Apps Development Services – Not a Kid’s Game Anymore!

Mobile App Development Services

Today, a significant percentage of the online traffic to a major chunk of websites comes via mobile phones and other handheld gadgets. Hence, many companies have changed tack and now focus on advanced mobile solutions covering a variety of verticals such as social networking, core business, and business communication. Mobile app development companies have become agile and focus on building a wide spectrum of mobile applications such as mobile client to web services and end to end mobility solutions.

These companies offer mobile app development services with technical competence in some of the most modern technologies such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. They also include HTML5 with a focus on the mobile web.   The services that today’s companies are able to deliver can be classified into three broad categories:

  1. Websites that are optimized for browsing on mobile gadgets
  2. Mobile apps that deliver a native-like user experience
  3. Autonomous apps

Hence, when it comes to mobile web, the advantage is that it offers natural cross platform compatibility. Therefore, it keeps the development costs to the minimum since there is no need to for the development of multiple mobile platforms.

This can be complementary to iOS or Android apps. However, while experiencing the mobile web, the user often misses out on the user experience provided by the device for native apps. Such experiences include navigation, touch and slide, feedback such as sound and vibrations, accelerator and gyroscope effects, and such.

Thus, in this case, mobile apps companies deliver services that include HTML5 solutions such as location based apps and solutions that support offline mode. Today, many a mobile app development company offers autonomous application development, which means that the app communicate to the web server to exchange or retrieve data portions, but execute the kernel functionality right on the mobile device.

Present day app development companies are far ahead in developing mobile applications that allow overcoming of routine challenges such as device diversity and hardware performance. They offer a brilliant approach to mobile application development that helps companies sell or leverage their product and expertise using custom made mobile apps.

In a nutshell, they give customers value for their buck. Thus, keeping in mind the popularity of mobile apps and their use, many companies have now ventured into mobile strategy consulting as well. This includes determining how mobility enhances the key business goals of their client companies. This can be done by assessing competitive landscape, identifying key benchmarks, as well as establishing clear roadmaps for the success of enterprise mobility.

Author Bio:

For companies desirous of mobile apps development in India, AJA Softtech offers the best in class services. Why not get in touch with us to know more!

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